Category: "New York Post"

Friday, November 12

There's lots opening and you'll find my thoughts on three shows today.  First, here on ScheckOnTheaArts is my review of The Pee-Wee Herman Show (as always, you'll find it under 'Theater' on the link at the top of the page).

Also, there's a review of Notes From Underground in the New York Post:

Star's enraged -- and we're so engaged

And here's my review of Play Dead -- also in the "Post:"

Graves you'll dig

'See' you tomorrow

-- Frank Scheck

Wednesday, November 10


You'll find my review of Colin Quinn's Long Story Short filed under 'Theater' here on - just click on the link at the top of the page. Also, here's my review from the New York Post on Banished Children of Eve playing at the Irish Repertory Theatre.

Skilled cast tackles rough draft
You may want to have a study guide handy during the Irish Rep's "Banished Children of Eve," a swirling historical drama that often feels like homework.

--Frank Scheck